Molecular Fusion of Color with the Crystaline Structure of the Rocks
Theoretical Foundation
Considering that the rocks are “live” matter and that they vary according to atmospheric factors, e.g. temperature, pressure and humidity, the “INTERCRYSTALINE” process was idealized with the purpose of changing the color of the crystals of the rocks generating a molecular fusion of color and sealant with the crystalline structures thus obtaining a final product in a vast range of textures and exclusive tonalities in Marble, Onyx and Gems, turning them into Hydro-Oil-Repellent:
The Marble, Onyx and Gems present crystalline structures, components and varied rock formation which determine their compactness, toughness and absorption. These factors were taken into consideration in the infinity of tests and trials until the IDEAL FINAL PRODUCT was conceived and achieved.
It is very important to emphasize that the “INTERCRYSTALINE” process does NOT remain solely on the surface of the material. Strange elements would most probably be naturally rejected by the rocks, the paint, varnish and resin applied on it would peel off from the first layers of the rocks, in addition to this, the crystalline pattern achieved in our FINAL PRODUCT would also be affected.
The process should produce an in-depth molecular fusion of color and sealant with the crystaline stone structures sealing it and becoming a new component of the rock.
Intercrystaline Process
This technological process was named “Intercrystaline” as the flux of the color and sealant agents occur Intercrystals. This technology combines high temperatures, immersion and high pressure, producing the fusion of color with deeper rock crystals, in a total and permanent way.
In this process specially developed sealants are used, added to vegetable and mineral pigments that do not harm the rock, so, the physical characteristics of natural material are preserved while maintaining its crystalline aspect, which enables its processing, be carried out by conventional methods.
After the fusion process of the sealants and pigment with the crystals of the rock the material becomes Hydro Oil-Repellent acquiring superior quality than conventional Marble, Onyx and Gems.
This Unique process – “Intercrystaline” – allows us to overcome the limitations of colors and patterns found in the natural Marbles, Onyxes and Gems thus obtaining an infinity of Exclusive New Colors and Different Visual Effects as to the Texture of The Rocks.
We can produce Exotic materials and the Multicolored slabs with total color and sealant in total 2(two) and 3(three) centimeters thick, creating an exclusive line of products “Crystaline Stone”.
This technology makes it possible for Marbles, Onyxes and Gems of colors considered rare to be produced and commercialized at lower costs.
The Crystaline Stone products cannot be compared to any synthetic material such as resinated, dyed or agglomerated quartz mass.
They are natural Marbles, Onyxes and Gems, with Original Veins and Textures. It is nature itself which makes the design of the rocks.
The details of the process have been omitted so as to protect the industrial secrecy of the technology developed.
Once the Ideal Final Product “Crystaline Stone” was achieved it was submitted to several tests and analysis by prestigious International Research Institutes.
Ifollows the Description of the Technological Process, the Analysis and Results
The Procedures and Tests were
Mechanical resistance
Considering that the “Intercrystaline” process is carried out on the natural material in its raw state, without the action of aggressive physical or chemical processes, the mechanical resistance remains unaltered. The material is not submitted to any structural action which may damage its natural mechanical characteristics of dilation, compression and traction.
Resistance to abrasion
After being tested for abrasion, the color of the “Intercrystaline” material remained unaltered, with the same results obtained with material of natural colors. This is due to the total and in-depth fusion of the color agents and sealant with the crystals of the rock.
External chemical aggression
Samples of Marble, Onyx and Gems that went through the process “Intercrystalline” were subjected to attack by chemical products and commonplace in everyday life, namely: household products(detergents / ammonia, soap, hydrogen peroxide, ether, acetone); Food products (milk, coffee, mustard, ketchup, lemon, Coca-cola, whiskey, liqueurs). The tests showed that some of these products even if only promote corrosive attack on the mineralogical components of the rock, without however changing the color of Crystalline Stone.
Durability and Applications
The Intercrystaline Marbles, Onyxes and Gems present a deep, complete and permanent molecular fusion of color with the crystals of the rock, not altering its physical and mechanical resistance, which guarantees the quality and durability of the color and the material. They may be used indoors (flooring, wall covering and decorative pieces) even in wet areas (bathroom and kitchen counters). It is not recommended for outdoor areas, for, just like conventional stones, they may suffer from the damaging action of being constantly exposed to the ultra-violet rays and changes of weather conditions.
Industrialization and Improvement
The industrialization and improvement of the Crystaline Stone products are carried out in the same way as with the Marble, Onyx and Gems of natural color, the same process for cutting, polishing and even for the thickness of the edges, as straight, bevel, bull-nose, cove, Dupont and Ogee edges, without altering the color.
Standardization and Reproducibility
In this process the color agents are standardized, making its reproduction viable at any time, the only possible variation being a natural one due to the Marble, Onyx and Gems used as a base.
As a global analysis we may conclude that: The Rocks Submitted to the “Intercrystaline” Process Behave in the same Way as the Ones with Natural Color, since no physical or chemical actions occur during the process which may interfere with the basic structure of the material. Its original characteristics and properties are preserved.
Final Observations
The Technological Process, the Analyses and Results described above summarize the steps which allowed Royal to Make a Patent Deposit for the Process and the Product which guarantees the exclusiveness of the technology.

The result of testing does not show visual or comparative significant differences in hue of the color on the surfaces of the tests samples of “Crystaline Stone”. It’s is evident, so, that the color hue of the petric slabs, obtained in the technological process of color application of the Client “Cor Intercristalina” was not altered after 1000 m of erosion.